Our Company

How we engage and empower our customers to have their best possible auto-finance experience and ways our Associates and company give back to the communities in which we live and work

Find everything you need to know about Santander Consumer USA
July 30, 2015

Find everything you need to know about Santander Consumer USA

It’s about time. That is, it’s time to stop wondering and visit the “About” section of our website if you have questions about Santander Consumer USA (SCUSA), the Dallas, TX-based consumer lender. We’ll tell you most everything you need to…

‘We Are Santander’ activities a homerun for associates and families
June 11, 2015

‘We Are Santander’ activities a homerun for associates and families

Rally Night drew a crowd to Texas Rangers ballpark. Speaker Jeff Havens did the same at Santander Consumer USA’s headquarters at Thanksgiving Tower. A Michael Jackson impersonator, butt-sketch artist, cookie handouts, health-and-wellness fairs, assembly of We Car Kits, special meals…