Our Company

How we engage and empower our customers to have their best possible auto-finance experience and ways our Associates and company give back to the communities in which we live and work

Happy Thanksgiving
November 27, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Most of us have a lot of reasons to be thankful, not the least of which is a day set aside for thankfulness. The meaning of Thanksgiving is not lost on Santander Consumer USA, which is thankful for the millions…

Customer service team on phones
November 13, 2019

7 ways to keep your vehicle financing on the right track

It’s not always easy. As you work to make your monthly car payments, usually thousands of dollars over several years, our series, Discover Santander, offers seven ways to keep your vehicle financing on the right track. The series, published earlier…

Santander Consumer feeling right at home in downtown Dallas
August 20, 2019

Santander Consumer feeling right at home in downtown Dallas

Just over five years ago, Santander Consumer USA (SC) made a big move with Thanksgiving Tower in downtown Dallas becoming our new corporate home. But a lot has changed in those five years at the corporate headquarters on Elm Street….

How a few volunteers in Arizona made an impact in West Africa
July 5, 2019

How a few volunteers in Arizona made an impact in West Africa

It’s not every day that associates from Santander Consumer USA (SC) have the opportunity to help with the medical needs of a country thousands of miles away. But that’s exactly what 30 volunteers from SC’s Mesa, AZ, operations location did…

SC volunteer at JA Biztown
April 3, 2019

Santander Consumer volunteers share hearts with young and old

Big hearts. That’s what it takes for individuals (and companies) to make an impact in their communities. And so it is with Santander Consumer USA (SC) volunteers such as Zuandrea E., who recently used her company-provided Volunteer Paid Time Off…

Good customer service is how we ensure you a smooth road ahead
February 18, 2019

Good customer service is how we ensure you a smooth road ahead

Good customer service really matters. Especially when you need help sorting out an issue with your auto lender. Santander Consumer USA (SC) is working hard to help customers who need it – whether that involves selecting a method of making…