Month: <span>March 2017</span>

Taking night vision and automatic braking to the next level?
March 29, 2017

Taking night vision and automatic braking to the next level?

Nyctovehophobia. It’s night driving fear – nycto-veho-phobia. The word is a mash-up – a combination of other actual words, nyctophobia and vehophobia – but the situations that cause it are real. And at least one car company thinks it has…

Why you shouldn’t dread the paperwork for your car purchase
March 27, 2017

Why you shouldn’t dread the paperwork for your car purchase

Paperwork. It’s almost certainly the part of car shopping that people dread most. But it has to be done correctly to ensure nothing goes wrong after you’ve driven away your new vehicle. “If there are things you don’t understand, ask…

Get a good look under the hood at Dallas, other auto shows
March 22, 2017

Get a good look under the hood at Dallas, other auto shows

Imagine a new-car showroom jammed with shiny vehicles and eager shoppers. That’s pretty much what you get this weekend at the DFW Auto Show in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, TX, but on a grand scale. The…