Car Ownership

News and tips related to being an automobile driver and owner

Technology trumps color among car shoppers, survey says
February 11, 2016

Technology trumps color among car shoppers, survey says

Listen. Do you hear the sound of car-buying preferences shifting? Chances are that you do – loud and clear – as technology drives the change. “In-vehicle technology ranks increasingly higher for consumers as they consider must-have and desired features in…

Tesla and the mouse, 10 reasons not to text while driving – and more
October 2, 2015

Tesla and the mouse, 10 reasons not to text while driving – and more

Scanning the Internet yielded a treasure trove of content for this edition of “Stories about Cars,” Santander Consumer USA’s bi-weekly compilation of interesting articles and blog posts you might have missed otherwise. We’ll provide just enough information for you to…

Here are some car stories you just don’t want to miss
September 18, 2015

Here are some car stories you just don’t want to miss

Stories about Cars. Let’s face it, the fact that you’re visiting the Santander Consumer USA blog, suggests you’re interested in the subject on some level. Well, think of “Stories about Cars” as a bi-weekly compilation of interesting articles from around…

Guzzlers running out of gas – or just changing with the times?
March 19, 2015

Guzzlers running out of gas – or just changing with the times?

You still can get a gas guzzling vehicle if you want – and can afford it. But apparently it’s getting more difficult, according to University of Michigan researchers. Not only are there fewer gas-guzzling vehicles around, those remaining tend to…