Back-to-school driving habits and transportation

Illustration of a school scene with a school bus, person on a bicycle and parents taking kids to school.

As summer slowly starts to wind down, parents and students are readying their households earlier and earlier for the back-to-school season.

According to industry experts, parents will cover billions of miles taking their kids to and from school, and 69% feel they’ve been more involved in their children’s lives because of more flexible work schedules seen these days.

As routines get adjusted and carpooling for school-aged children starts ramping up, we conducted our own study into the hustle and bustle of back-to-school in relation to commuting. So, let’s dive into the results.

Vehicle ownership and preferences

Commutes define our daily behaviors. Part of this ritual might include walking pets, school drop off or heading to work, then repeating the process in reverse. Whatever the day-to-day schedule might be, commuting serves an important purpose: preparing for the day ahead. While some commuters drive, walk or ride, it’s an important time to plan for the day or week ahead, and arrive to work well prepared.

As expected, car preference also plays a large part in prepping for back-to-school and ensuring everything is ready to conquer the new classroom. While the styles and options for electric and hybrid automobiles continue to evolve, the majority of those surveyed (86%) currently drive a gasoline-powered vehicle to and from school.

Illustration of a car getting gas at a pump.

Commute distances and driving times

The average daily commute to work, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, is around 14.7 miles. Conversely, those asked to engage in our student transportation survey offered a different take, as many respondents reported driving five miles or less each way when commuting to school.

Illustration of school bus and cars lined up in carpool line.

Carpooling practices among families

When it comes to carpooling habits and passing the time during the ride, a large percentage of those surveyed shared they drove solo and cranked up the tunes.

Illustration of two people driving in a Jeep with the top down.

Car maintenance and preparation for the school year

Maintenance is a huge part of car ownership in terms of keeping your vehicle running smoothly for miles and miles (and miles!). Such things as regular oil and air filter changes can go a long way in ensuring a positive driving experience.

Illustration of an auto mechanic working under a car that is in the air.

Here’s a tip you can consider to help break through the noise during key moments throughout the year, such as back-to-school:
When you’re ready to transition to a new vehicle, our team is there to get you pre-qualified for financing with Drive®. Pre-qualify for a real car in two minutes with no impact to your credit score.

Take control of car shopping

About our survey

The study was conducted using an online panel methodology where consumers of driving age were invited to complete the questionnaire through a remote study platform. Percentages shown may not sum to 100%, because of rounding.

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