Give me Samoas? SC associates do some heavy lifting for Girl Scouts

Thin mints, Trefoils, Samoas, oh my!

The Girl Scout cookie season is in full swing and Santander Consumer USA (SC) associates volunteered with the Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas (GSNETX) to support them.

“The Girl Scout cookie program is the largest girl-led business in the world and is such an important – and fun – part of the overall Girl Scout experience,” said Kasey Daly, director of product and sales of GSNETX.

“Our Girl Scouts develop essential life skills as cookie entrepreneurs – goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics.”

Thanks to SC’s Volunteer Paid-time Off Program (VPTO), the 11 associates were able to dedicate an entire day to the Scouts.

The SC associates went out for the first weekend of cookie pickup, when 1,684 Girl Scout Troops picked up cookie orders for their 15,000 plus Girl Scouts. The SC associates had their work cut out for them in running two lanes at the GSNETX warehouse, loading cases of cookies.

“We loaded about 3,300 boxes in total, and we were able to create a smooth and effective pickup process for the customers,” said one SC associate.

The cookie program doesn’t only teach the Scouts important life skills, but raises money for their adventures. In 2017, for example, the average troop earned $1,196.

Another SC associate expressed how gratifying it was to help the Scouts.

“Although the weather was about 20 degrees that day, I felt warm inside. Battling the cold was worth it, because I got a chance to hear the goals of each troop.”

“I spoke with a troop leader who mentioned her girls were selling cookies so they could afford a trip to Disney World. Such big dreams, and I was happy to be a small, but important part of helping them reach their goal.”

Kasey Daly emphasized the momentous help their volunteers provide:

“The work of Girl Scouting would not happen without our dedicated volunteers … We are so appreciative to have these SC associates give an entire day to help load cookies.”

To see more SC associates using their volunteer paid-time off, follow us on our social media pages, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, as #SCGivesBack.

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