October 20 – 23, 2020
Join Santander designers from around the globe in four days of learning and fun. This year our Summit is a virtual experience and we invite all areas of our company, regardless of country, group or affiliation to participate and get an introduction to the design community. See the schedule below and register for as many sessions as you would like to attend!
Keynote Speakers 

David Brear
David Brear is the Founder and CEO of 11:FS. David has been immersed in the technology of financial services for as long as he’s been working. He’s been voted as one of the most influential people in Banking, Insurance and Fintech by banks, his peers and a number of industry bodies. … Digital Banking is Only 1% Finished.

Jared Spool
Jared Spool is an American writer, researcher, speaker and educator. He’s also an expert on the subjects of usability, software design, and research. He is the founding principal of User Interface Engineering, a research, training, and consulting firm that specializes in website and product usability.
Santander Speakers 

Alfonso Morcuende

Andrew Leemhuis
Santander Consumer USA

Azure Hall
Santander Consumer USA

Kristen Demarjian
Santander Consumuer USA

Nacho Garcia Gutiérrez
Banco Santander

Samuel Custer
Santander Boston

Santiago de la Asunción
Banco Santander

Sergio Ruiz Navarro
Banco Santander

Tamara Freire Toledo
Banco Santander

Tom Paget
Santander UK
The 2020 World Design Summit will be entirely online. To view a live session or workshop, click the “Join Session” button when it has been activated. All sessions and workshops will be recorded and a link to the recording will be available sometime after each live event ends. Any sessions you do not attend live will be available to watch later. Links will be posted after each session ends.
Day 1 – October 20, 2020

Kick Off
Recap last year World Design Summit and how we’ve put the Design Manifesto to work.
Testimonials & Announcements
Sit back, relax and wait for the ceremony to begin. We will have previews and testimonials from designers around the world!
Watch Session
Country Talks
Last year the Santander design teams from around the world met each other. This year we will learn from each country how they’ve progressed in 2020!
Watch Session
Cultivating Creativity: Striking Balance Between Discipline and Play
Presenters: Kristen Demarjian, Azure Hall & Andrew Leemhuis
Santander Consumer USA
Thinking outside the box when stuck inside a box. How do you find inspiration and maintain that curiosity, even when the world feels static and limiting? In this workshop you will have the chance to work on activities with the community, as well as have time to reflect on your own daily creative practice.
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Leveraging Secondary Research to Rapidly Gather Customer Insights
Presenter: Samuel Custer
Santander Boston
Do you have a tight deadline, but still want to ground your experience in user research? Secondary Research empowers us to quickly become familiar with our problem space and our users. Discover how to quickly find relevant research from consulting firms, competitors and vendors. Then understand how to synthesize that research into actionable and shareable insights for your business and technology partners.
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Day 2 – October 21, 2020

Ice Breakers
We’ll be hosting a fun activity to help you network and meet other creatives from around the world! All VIP members will receive an email with a link to register for this session. Please join 5 minutes early as the ice breakers will start promptly!

Case Studies: UK, Argentina & Global Tech
In this Session we will hear how the United Kingdom, Argentina and Global Tech are using Research and Design to create innovative products in their country. Prizes will be giving away for the best case studies!
Confirmation of Payee: Managing friction when setting up a new payment
SuperCuenta: Increasing the enrollment of the Basic Santander account from 3k a year in branches to 40k in Digital Onboarding
Global Tech
The Anti Case Studies: A series of stories of projects that didn’t go as expected and the lessons learned that might help you in your next project.
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Case Studies: US & Uruguay
In this Session we will hear how Uruguay and United States are using Research and Design to create innovative products in their country. Prizes will be giving away for the best case studies!
The family that invest together, stay together: The adaption of the Bank’s investment app to be used by families around Sunday’s lunch table
Loan Progress Simulator: Getting customers back on track when they fall behind by educating customers about the impact of simple interests vs principal by using their real-time loan information.
Watch Session
David Brear
David Brear is the Founder and CEO at 11:FS. David has been immersed in the technology of financial services for as long as he’s been working and is consistently voted one of the most influential people in Banking, Insurance and Fintech by banks, his peers and a number of industry bodies. … Digital Banking is Only 1% Finished.
Watch Session
Transparency: Supporting our Customers During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Presenter: Tom Paget
Santander UK
64% of people believe a brand’s response to the crisis will impact the likelihood they’ll buy from that brand in the future. Hear about how the UK team supported customers during these unprecedented times.
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex Research (But You Were Afraid to Ask)
Presenter: Santiago de la Asunción
Banco Santander
We will dismantle some myths and prejudices about the research and propose some basic principles that guide our work as researchers at Banco Santander.
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Day 3 – October 22, 2020

Ice Breakers
We’ll be hosting a fun activity to help you network and meet other creatives from around the world! All VIP members will receive an email with a link to register for this session. Please join 5 minutes early as the ice breakers will start promptly!

Flame Design System Santander
Presenters: Tamara Freire Toledo, Alfonso Morcuende
Banco Santander
In this talk, we will share the present and future of Flame Design System Santander. We will talk about the challenges in front of us, about how to keep the equilibrium among consistency and flexibility and about our focus on the entire creation process by considering Flame DS as a tool for designers and developers. To end up we will discuss the future of this tool and how crucial keeping it alive is by constant evolution and embracing all Santander teams into ONE team.
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Santander’s New Tool for Data Visualization
Presenter: Nacho Garcia Gutiérrez
Banco Santander
As we work in a financial institution, we are constantly managing with data and struggling to expose it in the best way to ensure its understanding. But, ironically, we don’t have any tool to help us decide which is for each case the most suitable chart, giving them a Santander flavor or exporting them to offline and online channels… till now. In this talk, we will see how this new platform that, for sure, will help many teams inside Santander.
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How to Survive Design in a Corporation
Presenter: Sergio Ruiz Navarro
Santander Digital
An open discussion on what can we do as individuals and as a design community to improve our resources, knowledge and assets to drive the cultural change needed at the organization.
Watch Session
Last Chance to Submit Contest Photos
The submission forms will close after the workshops are over. So be sure to send in your photos before then! You can find links to the forms on the VIP page.

Jared Spool
Jared Spool is an American writer, researcher, speaker, educator, and an expert on the subjects of usability, software, design, and research. He is the founding principal of User Interface Engineering, a research, training, and consulting firm that specializes in website and product usability.
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Halloween Happy Hour!
Come dressed as your favorite ghoul, goblin or any favorite character! We’ll be hanging out and celebrating together with some chill activities, like trivia. Get the trivia app Kahoot beforehand to jump right in (iOS | Android) — we’ll give you the game PIN when it starts. Take a selfie of your costume during this time, too, and submit it on the contest page. The best costume will win a prize!
Day 4 – October 23, 2020

Awards & Closing Ceremony
Dress up in your most swanky clothes! We will be giving away awards for the Best Lego Challenge, Best Draw the Talk, Best Case Study and Best Costume!
Watch Closing CeremonyVIP Contests 

Be innovative, be brave, win prizes!
We’re going to have a few fun contests throughout the week for a chance to win prizes (for VIPs only). Each contest will require you to snap a photo and submit it to our team. Later in the week, we will all vote for our favorites and the winners will receive prizes!
Design Manifesto
Our Santander Design Manifesto is a document that explains what design means for us in nine principles that guide and contextualise our daily work to offer our customers the best digital experience at all times.
Santander has an aim to be simple, personal and fair in everything we do. It is our responsibility to transfer these values to what we do on a daily basis. That is why we want to have a common manifesto, designed and created by the entire Santander design community.