User Story
The user story is used for project and document tracking purposes and is placed in the disclaimer on both customer facing and select internal documents. All disclaimer display rules apply. For printed and digital deliverables the disclaimer must be at least 10 pt. Last date touched will still be used at the end of the user story in a disclaimer.
Project naming is broken up by BRAND hyphen (-) WORKFRONT REFERENCE NUMBER (which can be found in the “Project Details”section) hyphen (-) Project Description (with spaces. Use underscores in your file name if you can’t use spaces, but in the project name, we’ll use spaces).
Example: SC-12345-Project Description
When naming deliverables, the audience can be added. The department can be part of the project description if needed, A deliverable name that can be added at the end of the project description and if similar deliverables are in the same project, the Workfront reference number from the parent task can be used at the end to distinguish them from each other.